Regular Season Guidelines

Arbiter Sports Maintenance / Accepting Matches – R-1 / R-2 – Decisions

  Please check your Arbiter account daily. After accepting an assignment, please make sure you can see that assignment in your Arbiter Schedule. Please double-check your accepted matches in the Arbiter and put those dates in your calendar / planner. The R-1 in the Arbiter does not mean that official goes up to R-1 the varsity match. The officials should discuss their comfort level and decide which official is best suited to R-1 the varsity match. Even if a newer official shows up late for the JV match (because they are coming from a middle school match), they should NOT be forced to R-1 the varsity match. An official should never R-1 the varsity match until they are confident and ready for that responsibility. Please use common sense so the varsity match can be best-officiated. 

Match Confirmation & Details

  Please confirm your matches 24-48 hours before the scheduled date of the match or confirm the match with the host school on the date of the match. The best method to confirm a match is thru email by including the athletic director, athletic secretary, and your entire crew. Crew communication is more effective than individual communication because everybody will then be on the same page when the athletic department responds back to the officials.  

  Here is a sample email on how to confirm a match with a school.

(Athletic Director / Secretary Name),

   Good morning, we are scheduled to officiate (School Name – Sport) today or tomorrow (Date of Competition) at (Time) vs. (Opponent). We plan to arrive around (30-45 minutes before the Schedule Match Time in the Arbiter). to begin our pre-match duties. Please confirm all of the match details are correct. If there are any changes, please email our crew or text / call us directly. We look forward to working this assignment. See you tomorrow or later today. Thank you!


(Official Name)

(Phone Number)

Match Reports

All of our officials are required to submit match reports after each varsity high school match. We do not need match reports from middle school or JV matches, but information from those matches may be submitted. The R-1 for the varsity match should submit the match report. We do not need 2 different match reports. Please be fair and honest with your reports and do not protect your partners or yourself in your match report. Match reports carry a ton of weight for future assignments, especially for officials who take the time to submit the report. Officials who make the extra effort to submit the match report and provide the chapter feedback may benefit for future assignments as we appreciate all officials going the extra yard. 

Post-Match Debrief

All crews should conduct a professional post-match debrief. The discussion should not exceed 10-15 minutes. The debrief should emphasis on areas of concern while discussing plays of interest. All debriefs should be a positive experience.