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Pennsylvania's Largest Most Experienced Chapter
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The following will discussed Sunday, March 13th chapter meeting along with how to identify illegal back-row attacks/back row blocks:
GTCCVO High School Officials: This email is being sent to hopefully CLEAR-UP any misinterpretation regarding an ILLEGAL serve versus a service FAULT.
Per Rule 8, Section 2, Article 5: A serve is ILLEGAL and the ball REMAINS DEAD [these are the operative words] if the server:
six (6) things can happen which defines an ILLEGAL serve from hitting the ball illegally (using two hands for example, etc.) to releasing the ball for service, then catching it or letting it hit the floor more than once during ONE TERM of service.
When any of those 6 things happen, loss of rally/point is awarded to the RECEIVNG TEAM (irrespective if the RECEIVING TEAM is out of position).
Per Rule 8, Section 2, Article 6: A (legally) served ball is a SERVICE FAULT and BECOMES DEAD (operative words) when the ball:
four (4) things can happen, all which mention the flight of the served ball or the toss of the service ball hitting a backboard or support hanging in a verticle position over the serving area.
For the RECEIVING TEAM being out of position when there is a SERVICE FAULT, a point is awarded to the SERVING TEAM
Article 7 is pretty clear:……….When a Receiving Team player is out of position on the service and:
a. The ball is served ILLEGALLY [ see Article 5] , the serving team is penalized
b. A SERVICE FAULT [ see Article 6 ] occurs, the receiving team is penalized
If you remember that the serving team has to serve legally before it can get a point, you’re ahead of the game! Any questions, feel free to give me a call. Have a good finish to the season.
To bring the Chapter by-laws into compliance with the change in Dues payments, the following language of the By-laws indicated below: Present Reading of Section III, 2: A ten ($10) dollar penalty will be assessed immediately. After July 15 of that year, any unpaid member will be notified one final notice via email and certified mail. If there is no response by July 31, that member will be recommended for expulsion from our chapter to the PIAA. Suggested amendment to that Section III, 2): to read: A ten ($10) dollar penalty will be assessed immediately. After August 31 of that year, any unpaid member will be notified one final notice via email and certified mail. If there is no response by SEPTEMBER 15, that member will be recommended for expulsion from our chapter to the PIAA.
This will be discussed under New Business at March 13th chapter meeting.
Our second and final spring chapter meeting will be Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 7:15 pm via Zoom. Milan will send out a zoom invite this week. (as per the PIAA, spring meetings do not count)
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Please Note: Chapter Dues are now aligned with the School Year 2022/23, rather than the Calendar year as in the past. This change corresponds with the way the PIAA calculates Dues.
Therefore Annual Chapter Dues will be due in the summer, BEFORE any matches are assigned for the upcoming Fall Season.
Our next chapter meeting via zoom is March 13, 2022. (spring meetings do not count towards PIAA chapter meeting requirement)
Sunday, February 20, 2022 will be our first spring chapter meeting 7:15 pm zoom only. Milan will be sending out the link for the zoom meeting. If you plan on officiating during the spring season, it is recommended you attend the meeting. Spring meetings do NOT count towards the PIAA requirement.
2022 meeting dates have been set. They are as follows: Spring meetings: February 20, March 13th both zoom meetings. Start time is 7:15pm. As per the PIAA, spring meetings do not count towards the chapter meetings needed to maintain PIAA status, however if you plan to officiate in the spring, it is strongly suggested that you attend the spring meetings.
Fall meetings: July 31st, August 14th which is rules interpretation/chapter meeting, August 28th, September 11, September 25th, October 9th, October 23rd. meeting time is 7:15pm (most will be zoom, August 14th meeting will be in person, site TBD) More information on fall meetings will follow.
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