Chapter Meetings for the calendar year 2018 have been determined by the Board. The following meetings are ALL being held at the Sokol Club on the South Side, Pgh. The dates are: Feb. 25, Mar. 12, Apr. 9, Aug. 5, STATE RULES MEETING = Aug. 12, Aug. 26, Sept. 23, Oct. 7 and Oct. 21. The Regular meetings will start at 7:15 p.m. sharp. The PIAA State Rules meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. sharp. Please remember, the PIAA requires each active official who plans on refereeing, to attend a State Rules Meeting IN ADDITION to six (6) regular chapter meetings. According to the Chapter By-Laws, III. FEES AND DUES, “Annual dues are……….payable no later than the second meeting of the year.” The Board is planning on adding one or two more meetings to be held at the Martina Center during the fall. Stay tuned for later announcements
New Officers
Congratulations to the New Officers elected at the October 22nd meeting.
Bill Kissel – Vice-President
Karen Ricco – Recording Secretary
Eric Ressler – At-Large Representative
Tim Lutton – At-Large Representative
Meeting Attendance
Hello All,
As of 9/25/2017 @ 10 a.m. the attendance record on the PIAA website should be up to date. Be sure to check your attendance record to ensure you have met the required six (6) meetings for the year. As a reminder, we still do have two (2) meetings remaining in case you are short.
Use this Link to Log-in to the PIAA.
Then Click on “Account” in the upper right.
If you believe your attendance record is wrong, please email/call me so I can verify and update it.
NFHS Volleyball Scorekeeping Video
Thanks to Tim Lutton for his scorekeeping presentation at last nights Chapter meeting.
A number of officials have asked that the video presentation be made available online.
Below is the link to the presentation. Enjoy.
Chapter Meeting Added
Hello all,
Please be aware that a new chapter meeting has been added. This meeting will take place on September 17th at the Martina Spiritual Center, located at 5244 Clarwin Ave West View, PA 15229. Meeting Starts at 7 pm. Hope to see you there!!
First chapter meeting this Sunday August 6, 2017
Just a quick reminder that we have our first chapter meeting this Sunday, August 6th at 7:15pm at the Sokol Club. (this is not the State mandatory meeting) The State mandatory rules meeting is August 13 at 7:00pm at the Sokol Club.
The following dates are the fall chapter meetings for 2017:
August 6th
August 27
September 24
October 8th
October 22nd
All these meetings are held at the Sokol Club, East Carson Street, Southside..Start time is 7:15pm.
we are looking to add 1 more chapter meeting at the Martina Center in September.
PIAA – Required Ejection Reporting
When do we enter ejections reports?
When a coach, contestant, or team personnel is asked to leave the contest because of their actions, as guided by the applicable rule book.
Who should file the ejection report?
The ejecting official should ALWAYS submit the ejection report. If they are unable, a senior official on the crew or a crew member designated by the Crew Chief should submit the report.
The Chapter now has a Facebook presence. Use the link to the right to go directly to our Facebook Page.
National Labor Relations Board Decision to PIAA Registered Officials
2017 P.I.A.A. Convention
The PIAA convention will be held in Harrisburg, PA the weekend of August 4-5, 2017. If you want to be considered for state play off games, then you should plan on attending the convention. PIAA requires officials to attend every five (5) years.
Golden Triangle will send 10 members in good standing to the PIAA Convention. Your registration will be paid by Golden Triangle. Hotel and other expenses are not included.
If you are interested, the first 10 people to respond will be considered. Please use this link to get the 2017 PIAA Convention Registration Form fill it out and either email or mail the form to me. (Contact Info Available in Arbiter)
DO NOT send the form in yourself..we must send all forms together with the payment in order to receive the special rate of $95 per member.
The deadline to respond is June 30th.
If you have any questions, please email or call me.
Thank you
Debby McSwiggen