Proposed Amendment to GTCCVO By-Laws

The proposed amendment to the GTCCVO by-laws that was read on Sunday, have been posted on the arbiter. These by-law changes will be discussed at the next chapter meeting scheduled for August 30, 2020. If the PIAA determines the fall season for volleyball will be canceled, this proposal will be tabled until a TBD chapter meeting is set.

I would like to bring to the chapter membership attention that your annual dues pay for chapter expenses including, use of the Sokol Club for our meetings, Zoom meetings, calendars, arbiter expense, and a dinner provided to the membership at the end of our fall meetings along with any other unexpected expense(s) that arise. We have approximately 120 chapter members so each member’s share towards the arbiter expense is approximately $8.50 give or take.

Thank you

NFHS Rules App (Free)

If you are one of the Chapter members who purchased the Liability Insurance through the NFHS last fall you are still able to get both the 2020-2021 Rules Book and Case Book for free.

Each Book usually costs $6.99. I personally like having the Rules App on my phone because of the ability to easily search the entire content to find the information or specific reference that you are looking for. I have actually used this feature during the discussions at the chapter meetings.

Here is the link to the information. There are Apple, Android and ebook versions available.

Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association Return to Competition: Individual Sport Considerations

Officials are not responsible for monitoring activities on the sidelines, such as social distancing, hand washing, symptoms of illnesses and other such issues. This monitoring obligation remains with the coaching staff and school personnel.

Here are the latest guidelines from the PIAA.

This link is for the Volleyball Specific Guidelines:

This link is for the Officials Guidelines:

Here is a link to the entire PIAA Return to Competition article.

July 19 Zoom Test

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