Arbiter Pay update

There has been a change to Arbiter Pay for transferring funds. Each official needs to call Arbiter at 800-311-4060 to receive a personal security pin. You will enter this pin when you see “Confirmation Security Key”. It is a one time set with Arbiter. When you call if you are put on hold, a message will come up after awhile to receive a call back, I suggest you do this or you may be on hold for a long time. Arbiter has set this up as an added security to the accounts.

zoom meetings/chapter meetings

Please be advised that our chapter meetings, either zoom or in person, is not the venue for you to post or speak on your political beliefs. Our board has worked diligently to set the standards for officiating this fall season in accordance with the PIAA and WPIAL protocols. If you have any concerns about officiating, that is fine, please block or uncheck the “ready” status on your arbiter account and you do not have to attend any further chapter meetings.

We look forward to continuing in the right direction this season with the best interest for our officials. If you have any questions, please contact myself or Matt Martin.

Thank you