New PIAA Meeting Policy / Dues Reminder

Greetings to all active and inactive Golden Triangle members. Soon our Spring Season will be upon us. Most meetings will still be @ the Sokol Club ~ they will begin promptly @ 7:15 PM. The first meeting is 2/21/16. Come one come all! I would like to remind everyone that there are new methods of reporting attendance to the PIAA in place. Also, there are stipulations as to how many meetings each of us attends in order to receive credit. Officials can no longer “load up” in the Spring in hope to insure we meet their requirement(s). Come fall when folks are busier coaching, reffing recreation or other leagues, or simply trying to make sure our duties are fulfilled, there will be dictates as to how many meetings we are allowed to have attended by a certain date. The PIAA wants us to attend meetings over a longer period of time so as to experience / discuss ongoing case situations throughout the season(s). Lastly, dues ($25) are due now through the second meeting of the calendar year. March 6, 2016 ~ also @ the Sokol Club ~ is our second meeting. After that date, our dues increase by $10 without exception. It is an acceptable payment method to mail your dues to Mrs. King at any time from now thru March 1st. The US mail has slowed down considerably since my retirement. 🙂 drn / President / GTCCVO