Happy Holidays

Now that the fall volleyball season is over, most of us can put away our uniforms, clean our shoes one more time, secure our whistles and ‘cards” and reflect on a successful season of great officiating provided by this Chapter.
It is common that at any one of our meetings, we are reminded about our shortcomings, erroneous actions or missed calls.  Chapter members need to be recognized for the “excellent” officiating and extra efforts they have put in for the sport of volleyball and the high school and middle school athletes.  The few and far between officiating mishaps are far outscored by the near perfect matches we work.  District 7 & 8 coaches, and their athletic directors and administrative staff let out a large breath of relief and pleasure when they see our Golden Triangle Chapter members walk in to officiate their match that afternoon or evening.  They understand and know they are going to have their athletic contest officiated in a fair, professional and highly effective level.  I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the work that you have done, for your efforts to continue the proud name of this Chapter.  I am proud to be an officer of Golden Triangle!

Two of our officials were selected to be the 1st and 2nd referee on the PIAA class AA volleyball championship match at Richland High School in late November.  I was invited to accompany them as a spectator.  In being as “neutral” as possible, I watched all three PIAA championship matches:  “A”, “AA” and “AAA”.  All matches were officiated well, but from the view of a senior referee who served as an Evaluator at previous PIAA matches, the officating at the AA championship match should have been taped by the PIAA and sent out to each officiating chapter for training purposes.  Mechanics, interpretations, match control, interaction with the officiating team and coaches/players was exemplary.   A+ to our group.  I heard comments in the crowd of spectators – “They must be Golden Triangle officials!”  That says it all.

Our Board met in late November and has set the meeting dates for next calander year.  Once these dates have been cleared with the Sokol Club, we will post them for your review.  Financially, we are more than solvent and it is strongly anticipated that dues will again see no raise in the coming year.  The Evalulation Committee is off and runnning and you will be receiving more information on their progress soon.  Finally, I reported to the Board that two more District 7 schools;  Baldwin and Fox Chapel, will be paying officials through Arbiterpay/refpay next year so it is imperative that if you want to work those schools, you must register for refpay or you will not be assigned or compensated.  Last but not least, have a safe and happy Christmas holidays.  A few of our members visited Rich Tatrn, who is in St. Margaret’s Hospital in Aspinwall.  He is coming along slowly, but positively and is hoping to return home on or after 12-9-15.  Keep him in your prayers and drop him a line – I’m sure he will be delighted.  Again – a BIG thanks from myself and the Board for your work this past year.