- As part of pre-match checking net & game balls – touch base with the HOME coach
- Ask how (s)he prefers warm-ups (HOME team gets to choose this)
- Remind HOME team that they are to provide the work crew (might ask visiting team to split line judges)
- Ask about playable areas and obstructions
- Ask about pregame announcements / introductions / Sr Nite activities…
- Even before arriving always call or email the school the day of the game to confirm game details
- During Coin toss meeting, be sure VISITING team knows info gathered above
- At 30 minutes prior to game time set score clock for 20:00 to time the warm-ups
- During the warm-up period is the time to MEET & TRAIN your fellow workers
- SCOREKEEPER – Start here for two reasons. 1. They usually start the running clock & 2. It is most important ( to you ) that they are competent at scorekeeping.
- How can you tell if the scorekeeper is competent? What can you do about it?
- How many scorekeepers can sit at the table (helpers??)
- What version of scorebook do they HAVE to use. What Info is mandatory for NFHS
- How do the scorekeepers record cards & penalties??
- Let the scorekeeper know what to do if something is out of order. Score in book is official
- End with importance of the ‘official record of the game’
- TIMER– Set the clock for warm-up and start the clock after the coin toss
- Practice adding and removing points if needed
- When to sound horns (if ever)
- Watch for my arm before putting points on the board (touches/nets)
- Have them assist Scorekeeper record subs and points if needed (verbally)
- LIBERO TRACKER – Is it required? Who provides them?
- Explain entering line-ups & tracking subs
- Explain helping the scorekeeper
- Watch end of rally closely because of quick switches (& double switches)
- End with what HAS TO happen with exchanges (and what to do if it’s wrong) Show sample if necessary.
- When Timeout is called let the R2 know if Liberos were on the court.
- LINE JUDGES – Other than R2, these are your 2 best friends during the match
- Meet with ALL line judges at one time. Try to have same two LJ to work the entire match.
- Start with easy stuff, where to stand, how to call in & out
- Always be ready to make a call, & make the call if it’s within 2-3 feet of a line.
- Show how to call outside antennae (both of them), and Foot faults
- Show touch signal ( at the net and also near the back line)
- Sometimes R1 overrules you – it’s not personal, I just had a different view of it
- Don’t let others influence your call – let the R2 know if you are getting harassed
- During timeouts come stand with me near the R1 stand.
- Lastly if the match is close, call EVERYTHING for the last 8-10 points