Ball handling

Please read the following from Joe Hardiman:

Ball Handling Concerns/Issues:     It has been brought to my attention by Coaches and Officials on more than two occasions during Observations and Matches, that there is some inconsistencies in how ball handling ( and especially 2nd ball contacts) is being interpreted.  Here is some guidance which was issued by the NFHS in 2019-20 under Points Of Emphasis.  [Note;  This is similar to the guidance used in collegiate and club rules]Ball Handling     As officials and coaches know, ball handling decisions are the toughest decisions a volleyball officials has to make during a match,  Ultimately, they are JUDGEMENT CALLS.  However, a focus of every official should be to have CONSISTENCY in ball-handling judgment. The following criteria can be used to develop consistency when judging ball handling as a R1:    1)  Only the contact point should be considered when judging legality;    2)  Outside influences such as player technique, SPIN, coaches’ expectations or crowd reaction should NOT be considered when judging the legality of the contact, and    3)  There is NO body/ball position or playing technique that AUTOMATICALLY results in illegal contact.
Additionally, when evaluating ball handling, it is important to understand the focus of an increase in continuation of play when judging     SECOND BALL CONTACTS that are directed to a teammate.  (Please note the above emboldened words)  Below are some tips to use when assessing second ball contacts:    A)  A player in good position must play the ball without discernible double contacts;    B)  Less severe judgment is applied to a contact by a player who makes a challenging or spectacular play while maintaining  a legal play, and   C)  Mishandled balls resulting in a blatant fault should still be called, regardless of the challenging or spectacular nature of the play.
Soooooooooo. does this make our jobs as R1s more difficult OR easier?    You make the call!