ArbiterPay Scam Alert

ArbiterPay recently became aware of an effort to entice officials to register for a false ArbiterPay account. We want to arm you with information you can use to protect yourself from this type of scam. We also ask that you report suspicious activity of this nature to our support staff immediately.

You may receive an email that appears to come from your assigner. The email asks you to sign up for an ArbiterPay account on a website other than During the signup process, you will be asked to pay $18.50.

Please make sure that any email requesting that you create an ArbiterPay account actually came from your assigner. Signing up for an ArbiterPay account is free, and you can only sign up for a legitimate account at

If you have received communication that directed you to sign up for an ArbiterPay account and takes you to a site other than, please notify us immediately by emailing [email protected]. We do not provide officials’ contact information to third parties, and this was an individual endeavor and not a system-wide security breach.