Chapter By-law change Section III,2

To bring the Chapter by-laws into compliance with the change in Dues payments, the following language of the By-laws indicated below: Present Reading of Section III, 2: A ten ($10) dollar penalty will be assessed immediately. After July 15 of that year, any unpaid member will be notified one final notice via email and certified mail. If there is no response by July 31, that member will be recommended for expulsion from our chapter to the PIAA. Suggested amendment to that Section III, 2): to read: A ten ($10) dollar penalty will be assessed immediately. After August 31 of that year, any unpaid member will be notified one final notice via email and certified mail. If there is no response by SEPTEMBER 15, that member will be recommended for expulsion from our chapter to the PIAA.

This will be discussed under New Business at March 13th chapter meeting.