Spring Volleyball Season

The Men’s volleyball season is well underway as the second half of the season has begun. Although all the matches have been assigned, there have been weekday matches and Saturday tournaments that officials need to be replaced for whatever reason. Please make sure that if you are NOT available to work that you BLOCK those dates in the arbiter. If Joe, Tom or myself call you last minute because you are showing “available” than we expect you to be able to go wherever a match or tournament needs covered. Thank you to the officials who have come through last minute and covered matches, it is appreciated!

PIAA convention

The PIAA convention will be held August 9-10, 2019 at the Hilton Hotel in Harrisburg. Golden Triangle Chapter in the past have sent 10 chapter members. If you are interested in attending, please email me [email protected]. The chapter will pay the registration fee, hotel and meals are your responsibility.