PIAA – Required Ejection Reporting



When do we enter ejections reports?

When a coach, contestant, or team personnel is asked to leave the contest because of their actions, as guided by the applicable rule book.

Who should file the ejection report?

The ejecting official should ALWAYS submit the ejection report. If they are unable, a senior official on the crew or a crew member designated by the Crew Chief should submit the report.

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National Labor Relations Board Decision to PIAA Registered Officials

This message was from Dr. Lombardi & Mr. Patrick B. Gebhart:
We have received notification from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Washington that it has affirmed the Pittsburgh NLRB Regional Director’s Decision issued in July 2015.  The NLRB, in a split decision, 2 to 1, has agreed with the Union’s position that our District 7 and 8 lacrosse officials are not independent contractors but are employees of PIAA.
We strongly disagree with the NLRB’s Decision that the lacrosse officials in Districts 7 and 8 are not independent contractors.  This Decision is contrary to those of many other authorities who have determined PIAA officials to be independent contractors, including the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, the Pennsylvania Workmen’s Compensation Board, the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Board of Review, and the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court.
We intend to vigorously contest the NLRB’s Decision at the next level, which would be the United States Court of Appeals.  We continue to believe that the actions we are taking are in the best interests of our officials.  Many of you have told us you are extremely concerned about what such an NLRB Decision may mean when it comes to income tax withholding from your game checks, being required to pay dues to the Union, whether game assignments will now have to be made on the basis of seniority, and a variety of other legitimate concerns.
Additionally, please understand that this NLRB Decision applies only to a relatively small number of lacrosse officials in Districts 7 and 8, not to the 14,000 or so PIAA sports officials in other sports and in other Districts.  Despite several years now of soliciting officials in other sports and other districts, the Union has failed to gain the support needed to file for an election.  We believe there is a reason for this – that the vast majority of PIAA officials understand that PIAA does not set regular season game fees and game assignments, and cannot speak for the many individual school districts that do establish game fees and other terms and conditions for officiating games.
We are grateful to those of you who over the last several years have indicated your strong support for PIAA’s position in this matter.  We remain committed to doing all we can to foster the best positive game experience for all of you.  We are proud of the role PIAA plays in the lives and development of our student-athletes, and we know that it all depends on you the officials!
Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedules to read this message.  We will continue to provide periodic updates as developments warrant.  We are looking forward to the beginning of the new school year.  We kindly ask that all chapter secretaries forward this information to your chapter membership.