March 20,2017

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Chapter meeting 3/20/17 @ Martina Center

Reminder that there is a chapter meeting scheduled for Monday, March 20, 2017 at the Martina Center

Martina Center

5244 Clarwin Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA  15229

This is off the Perrysville Exit of I-279N

We will have access to the gymnasium, which will have a volleyball court set up.  Joe will be discussing and showing the mechanics and responsibilities of the R2.

If you have not paid your chapter dues, the amount now is $45.00 (includes $10.00 late fee)

Thank you

Debby McSwiggen

The meeting will start at 7:15 at the Martina Spiritual Center (Just off of Perry Highway in the North Hills) 

See Directions Below.

March 5, 2017

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